open360tracker - Der Community Antennentracker Made in Germany

I didn't included the changes in the 6.0.4, that version is for solving other issues reported by users of my community forum. The changes for FRSKY X are introduced in 6.0.5 version. You can already download it from the repository.
Ok, I see. This is only a formating issue when the coordinate is shown on the display. Before was a real issue with the comma, but I think that the tracking should be ok. I'll solve it tomorrow afternoong, meanwhile you could test if it do the tracking well.
Did you fix the problem with MFD in the meantime? The one where Of was always zero.
I apologize, but I forgot to answer this question. What do you mean about "offset"? This term is used in several parameters and parts of the firmware...

I've fixed several issues related with MFD, and other not specific but that could be affecting to this infinite rotatting you mentioned (and which I also experienced under certains conditions).

Please, try version 6.0.6 to see if it is already solved. If not, share with me some captured data and your settings, and also would be good if you share a short video to show its behaivor.
This information you are providing could explain why I saw 92 and 93 on the display. It seems that the parser is not decoding well this data. I always thought that the FrSky data was arriving corrupt, and your comment could help me to solve the issue.

Nevertheless, the satelite data is only important if you press the home button to set home position as from telemetry data. The number of sattelites doesn't affect in any other behaivor of the antenna tracker. I'll try to solve this issue as soon as posible, meanwhile you could use it to test the behavior of the tracking. Thanks.
Ok, I'v found the source of the problem. I'll publish 6.0.7 verion with the solution during this night.

With the new version you must set the value for a new parameter, this is:

set telemetry_diy_gps=ON
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The flip 32 board I have now incorporated into the tracker.
Pan follows initially quite good, but stops after a while.
Could you please look at my Cli settings if they are generally correct?




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