;---- Gyro direction reversing ----
;---- 1: Set roll gain pot to zero.
;---- 2: Turn on flight controller.
;---- 3: LED flashes 3 times.
;---- 4: Move the stick for the gyro you want to reverse.
;---- 5: LED will blink continually.
;---- 6: Turn off flight controller.
;--- 7: If there is more gyros to be reversed, goto step 2, else set roll gain pot back.
;ESC Throttle range calibration. This outputs collective input to all motor outputs
;This mode is entered by turning yaw gain pot to zero and turning on the flight controller.
; View from above
; Forward
; M1,CW M3,CCW
; * *
; \ /
; \ /
; \ /
; +
; / \
; / \
; / \
; * *
; M2,CCW M4,CW