New to RC - could someone point me in the right direction.


Erfahrener Benutzer
even if you just want to get a taste of it, it's better not to get the cheapest one. If you stick with it, you get something out of spending a little more and if you don't stick with it, you can sell it again.
example :
ISDT SMART CHARGER 608AC - 200/50W, 8A, 6S Lipo

And if you want to charge in parallel, the boards are cheap 10-15€ but if you are not careful and connect them the wrong way, you can destroy the batteries.
this is better. >>> ISDT Safe Parallel Board PC-4860 <<<Please note: it is only possible to charge the same batteries and the same number of cells in parallel.


hängen, moment lass laufen
@Kamille Nielsen
wenn du follkommen neu bist dann must du wissen ob du AC oder DC bevorzugst. Du kannst einfach danach gehen woher du den Strom für deine Akkus nimmst.
Wie ich annehme kannst fu die in EU üblichen 50Hz nicht ohne weiteres mit Hoher Ampere belasten, da dies Gesundheitsschädigend ist.

Deine Wahl liegt eher auf noName, da kannst du dann wohl nur probieren. Schlechte Ware erkennst du daran, dass das ziemlich heiß wird und nicht zuverlässig abschaltet. Ansonsten gibt es die bewährten Lader von ISDT, Polaron, GensACE oder Multiplex.

Aber wo die preislich liegen, kann ich dir nicht beantworten. Fas hängt von der Anzahl der Anschlüsse, des Ladestromes und der Netzkombatibilität ab. 50€ würde ich mindestens einplanen.

Achja, bald gibt es die 2024er Modelle...


hängen, moment lass laufen
@Kamille Nielsen
If you are completely new then you need to know whether you prefer AC or DC. You can simply go by where you get the power for your batteries.
As I assume, you can't easily load the 50 Hz with high amps in the EU, as this is harmful to your health.

Your choice is more likely to be noName, so you can probably just try it. You can tell if the product is bad because it gets pretty hot and doesn't switch off reliably. Otherwise there are the tried and tested chargers from ISDT, Polaron, GensACE or Multiplex.

But I can't answer you where the price is. Fas depends on the number of connections, the charging current and the network compatibility. I would budget at least €50.

Oh yes, the 2024 models will be available soon...


Well-known member
For Beginner its easier to use an AC charger (that can plug into the wall socket) from ISDT, Hota, SkyRC, ToolkitRC, GensAces and such.

Most economic way is to mod some server psu's and use DC chargers (can only be powered 12V and up)


Neuer Benutzer
yes i would also go for skyrc ,toolkit rc they are not that expansive but the do the same work what others do. means they can charge any kind of battery. price ist between 25€ to 35€. i got i max b6 from skyrc cheap and good.. just check b4 you buy some fake is also around...good luck


Trees are dicks
I would recommend to get eather the ISDT 608PD or the SkyRC B6 Neo... Those just charge from USB-C PD, the SkyRC also acts as a Lipo tester, they can later be used as a mobile charger for in the bag and can last you a very long time for their Price tag...

As a higher End Option for the Desk I personally love my GensAce IMARS Dual 200 but today I would more likely just by the ToolkitRC Q6AC as imho its the best bang for your buck at the moment....


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