eine neue [size=medium]Multi-Wii-Mini[/size] von Jussi geben.
somit ist eine MWC Plug & Play lösung auch in europa verfügbar.
die Multi-Wii-Mini ist ausgestattet mit einem ITG3200 und BMA180
die platine hat die abmessungen von 36.5*36.5 mm, weight: 6 grams with ISP and FDTI pins
und sind nun verfügbar. -> http://www.viacopter.eu
weitere Daten.

somit ist eine MWC Plug & Play lösung auch in europa verfügbar.
die Multi-Wii-Mini ist ausgestattet mit einem ITG3200 und BMA180
die platine hat die abmessungen von 36.5*36.5 mm, weight: 6 grams with ISP and FDTI pins

Introduction price will be a very low 59E including VAT.
weitere Daten.
The Multiwiicopter mini Flight controller "MiniWii".
A complete multiwiicopter flight controller with autolevel capability.
Atmega328P @ 16 Mhz
ITG-3205 3-axis MEMS gyroscope
BMA180 3-axis MEMS accelerometer
Integrated logic level converter
6-pin ISP socket
FTDI Header
I2C header for optional compass and barometer upgrade
Dual LDO´s: Mic5205 for Vcc and Mic5203 for 3v3
36.5*36.5 mm, weight: 6 grams with ISP and FDTI pins
All SMT components are mounted, but the enduser has to populate the pins for I/O´s (Pins are included)
Comes preloaded with Arduino bootloader.
Compatible with arduino software.
A FDTI cable or breakout is needed for configuration and programming.
A complete multiwiicopter flight controller with autolevel capability.
Atmega328P @ 16 Mhz
ITG-3205 3-axis MEMS gyroscope
BMA180 3-axis MEMS accelerometer
Integrated logic level converter
6-pin ISP socket
FTDI Header
I2C header for optional compass and barometer upgrade
Dual LDO´s: Mic5205 for Vcc and Mic5203 for 3v3
36.5*36.5 mm, weight: 6 grams with ISP and FDTI pins
All SMT components are mounted, but the enduser has to populate the pins for I/O´s (Pins are included)
Comes preloaded with Arduino bootloader.
Compatible with arduino software.
A FDTI cable or breakout is needed for configuration and programming.