ESC32 V3 - die nächste Generation High End ESCs
Es ist soweit:
Die neue Entwicklung von Bill Nesbitt (AutoQuad) und Felix Niessen (Flyduino, KISS & UltraESC) ist bei Viacopter und Flyduino verfügbar!
Feature Highlights:
* PCB size: 34 x 25.6mm
* PCB weight : 5.7 grams
* Interfaces: USB, Serial, PWM, CAN
* Input voltage range 6 to 42 volts (2-10S lipo)
* Nominal max power 750 Watts continous, 1000W peak
* Absolute max power 1500 watts
* Nominal max current 40A
* Absolute max current 50A
* Active freewheeling
* Live telemetry over CAN, USB or Serial
* Real time current limiter
* User configurable current limit
* Control via CAN, PWM, USB or Serial
* Closed loop RPM mode
* Servo mode (experimental)
* Closed loop thrust mode (experimental)
* 8 to 64 KHZ switching rates
* Improved error handling with AutoQuad flight controllers using CAN control
* Improved logic side supply eliminates the need for external 5V supply
* Speaker function
Ab sofort verfügbar:
AutoQuad ESC32 Configuration Utility (ECU)
Forum thread:
ESC32 Wiki
ESC32 V3 YouTube Video Play List ... 41Lny9VfYP
Es ist soweit:
Die neue Entwicklung von Bill Nesbitt (AutoQuad) und Felix Niessen (Flyduino, KISS & UltraESC) ist bei Viacopter und Flyduino verfügbar!

Feature Highlights:
- Up to 10S and 1500 watts of power with good cooling has been acheived in bench tests.
- A highly efficient design using very fast gate drivers and FETs, yields a significant increase in efficiency and reduces the need for cooling at low to medium power levels
- Active freewheeling increases the response, stability and efficiency of your craft by actively braking the rotor during deceleration and converting the rotors kinetic energy to electricity.
- Real time current limiting eliminates the need for current limiter calibration and provides a user settable safeguard against overload.
- Improved starting procedure makes it plug and play with most motors. Start voltages and currents can be tweaked to improve starting further.
- A new drive method secures ultra fast speed transitions without loosing sync, both during acceleration under power and during deceleration under active freewheeling.
- Improved failsafe support on AutoQuad with CAN; if a motor is disarmed or stopped in flight, the controller will try to rearm and restart the motor.
- Live telemetry is available over CAN in AutoQuad Systems – Displays for instance Power, RPM and Temperature in the ground control.
- Improved Buck converter supply circuit for the logic means that its safe to supply the logic side from the main battery.
- Direct USB support makes it easy to connect, setup, test and diagnose the ESC32 V3 with the new ESC32 configuation Utility (ECU) included with each ESC32 V3
* PCB size: 34 x 25.6mm
* PCB weight : 5.7 grams
* Interfaces: USB, Serial, PWM, CAN
* Input voltage range 6 to 42 volts (2-10S lipo)
* Nominal max power 750 Watts continous, 1000W peak
* Absolute max power 1500 watts
* Nominal max current 40A
* Absolute max current 50A
* Active freewheeling
* Live telemetry over CAN, USB or Serial
* Real time current limiter
* User configurable current limit
* Control via CAN, PWM, USB or Serial
* Closed loop RPM mode
* Servo mode (experimental)
* Closed loop thrust mode (experimental)
* 8 to 64 KHZ switching rates
* Improved error handling with AutoQuad flight controllers using CAN control
* Improved logic side supply eliminates the need for external 5V supply
* Speaker function
Ab sofort verfügbar:
AutoQuad ESC32 Configuration Utility (ECU)
Forum thread:
ESC32 Wiki
ESC32 V3 YouTube Video Play List ... 41Lny9VfYP
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