Ich poste hier mal was microtechnics.eu (Albert) mir geschrieben hat! Ich weiß nicht genau ob er auch noch anderen geschrieben hat und das hier alle Welt wissen soll....
Und BITTE schreibt ihm nur wenn ihr nach dem testen auf Ergebnisse kommt, welche über der 1% Fehlergrenze liegen (siehe Excel Anleitung). Also bitte gut durch lesen!
Von Albert:
After receiving some spare parts and also answers to my questions from FrSKY, it is now possible to take care of this centering error issue affecting some transmitters.
In order to avoid unnecessary shipping costs, may I ask you to fill your datas into the small spreadsheet I am attaching to this email?
This is to make sure you have a problem, in this case you will have 4 choices.
All these conditions will be valid only if the part is controlled defect, which means a centering error above 1 %, this is the reason why I ask you to first check the situation with the attached spreadsheet.
1. for those who can bring the transmitter and pick it up, the exchange will be done within 24 hours, parts and work are free.
2. If you want to send the transmitter and get it mailed back to you the cost will be limited to the shipping cost.
3. Should you want to reduce the shipping cost you can send the defect gimbal assembly only and you will get a replacement for free except shipping cost.
4. If you want to to keep the transmitter available for use, you have the opportunity to buy a tested gimbal assembly at the reduced cost of 11,90 Euros (+ 21 % VAT when it must be applied )+ shipping. this spare part is guaranteed to be within limit of maximum 1% error from center.
Should you then decide to return the defective gimbal from your Taranis within 14 days, it will then be checked and you will get a refund for 11,90 Euros(+ 21 % VAT when it was applied) if it was found out of limits.
Und im Anhang die Excel-Anleitung (gezippt) zur Überprüfung.
EDIT: Wenn ihr eine HEX-Zahl die mit null anfängt oder "03E3" dann setzt die Formatierung der Zelle auf "Text" in Excel usw...